26 12, 2008

Fireplaces: New rules

By |2008-12-26T22:14:07+00:00December 26th, 2008|Elements of Design, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fireplaces: New rules

It seems everybody has heard that the rules for fireplaces have changed. They have. The new regs go something like this: If you already have a wood burning fireplace you will get to keep using it, except on “spare the air days” as declared by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Board. Benicia gets its mandates for fireplace rules from this agency. For new construction you can still install wood burning devices (it’s true, at least for now) but they will have to be environmentally friendly “EPA certified” models. These EPA models can be decked out with all the trappings [...]

27 11, 2008

A Benician in L.A.

By |2008-11-27T22:15:39+00:00November 27th, 2008|Travel Tales, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Benician in L.A.

It was while soaking in my aunt’s bath-like pool admiring a particularly handsome grouping of palm trees that I realized what most people don’t “get” about Los Angeles. It’s the micro, not the macro. The long drives to get everywhere can sure suck, but the buildings and spaces that await you at the end of your drive can be pretty sweet. Little paradises within the landscape of sprawl. The moment came last July when Melody and I and daughter Gwenna had just traversed the entire L.A. basin by freeway to get to my aunt and uncle’s house in Murrieta, and [...]

22 10, 2008

Why I’m doing my addition now

By |2008-10-22T22:17:18+00:00October 22nd, 2008|Random observations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why I’m doing my addition now

Well, it’s pretty obvious the party’s over. And by party I mean the fourteen year long wave of economic good times. (As Woody Allen might have said it: If only we had known we were supposed to be happy during those years.) And by economic good times I mean the robust professional life that those of us who make our living with houses got to enjoy by either selling, building or designing houses. So everybody now seems suddenly content to sit on their hands, forget their dreams. In this world of multiple networks and twenty-four hour news coverage this sort [...]

17 09, 2008

Mont St Michel – must see

By |2008-09-17T22:18:33+00:00September 17th, 2008|My favorite columns, Travel Tales, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mont St Michel – must see

Going in, I had a vague notion that Mont Saint-Michel was unique. Still, I didn’t expect it to be as fabulous as it was, so rich and dense with architectural interest and layers of history. About an hour into our exploration I believe I spontaneously blathered to Melody something like “This is the coolest place on earth. Ever!” And my twelve year old son, when later asked if he liked it, said simply “What’s not to like?” So there you have it; all age groups give the place thumbs up. Mont Saint-Michel (pronounced “mohn sahn mee shell”) is a thousand [...]

20 08, 2008

Americans in Paris

By |2008-08-20T22:19:32+00:00August 20th, 2008|Travel Tales, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Americans in Paris

Forget the fourteen hour flights and the jetlag with the associated zombie naps. Forget the crummy value of the US dollar (improving lately, though.) Life is short and the siren song of Europe beckons. Melody and I invited our two kids (age 16 and 12) to come on our trip to France. I’m happy to report that we all got along pretty well in our funky French rental car. The trip was fun, it was expensive, at times it was downright beautiful. Plus I get a column out of it. When on foot, take interesting looking detours A favorite moment [...]

30 07, 2008

Front porch city

By |2008-07-30T22:21:05+00:00July 30th, 2008|Benicia, Thinking like an architect, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Front porch city

If you are like most people, you like a good front porch. A really good one may even stir you up in a good sort of way, even give you a “warm fuzzy” somewhere deep inside, right where you live. Anybody else remember Daryl Hannah’s room-like front porch from “Roxanne?” Whew, that’s good stuff. In Benicia we have our share of good ones. It’s mostly due to the fact that so many downtown houses were built in an era before watching TV made it more likely we would just stay inside. Despite this and other modern influences, Benicia is still [...]

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