13 03, 2005

Southampton concrete slab floors: What’s to know

By |2005-03-13T05:02:58+00:00March 13th, 2005|Remodeling a Southampton home, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Southampton concrete slab floors: What’s to know

Most Southampton homes are built on concrete slabs, meaning that the floor of the bottom story was not framed from wood (with a “crawl space” below) but was instead created by pouring a thick slab of concrete directly on the ground upon which wood framed walls were then built. Exceptions to this exist, especially if your Southampton home rests on a hillside (the house itself, not just your yard areas away from the house.) Subdivisions often are constructed on concrete slabs because doing so saves money for the developer. That said, it’s actually a fine way of doing things, resulting [...]

30 01, 2005

Some basics to know before you build

By |2005-01-30T05:04:18+00:00January 30th, 2005|Before you begin, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Some basics to know before you build

The good news is that you, as homeowner, will do just fine if you don’t want to learn any construction jargon. Homes have been built and remodeled for years when the homeowner didn’t know the difference between a rafter tail and a grade beam. If your builder needs to explain to you why it will be difficult to add an extra window after your drawings have been approved (because the wall in question is a “shear wall”, or because your “Title 24” compliance will be thrown off) he can take an extra fifteen seconds to explain what it all means, [...]

26 12, 2004

News Flash: Good builders earn their money

By |2004-12-26T05:05:13+00:00December 26th, 2004|Before you begin, Uncategorized|Comments Off on News Flash: Good builders earn their money

Builders. They do nothing less than create the built environment in which humanity conducts its affairs. They’ve done so since ancient times. Today you can visit Roman structures that are still standing after two thousand years and marvel at the skill of the builders. Now, can you just find a good local one to come and do your remodel project? As a homeowner seeking to remodel, you are going to allow a builder to come in and destroy your home (your most special place in the world!) and then give them lots of money to put it back together different [...]

14 11, 2004

The wonderful failure that is Benicia

By |2004-11-14T05:06:14+00:00November 14th, 2004|Benicia, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The wonderful failure that is Benicia

Ever notice the easy way that architectural styles co-mingle in Benicia? It’s fairly unique, even among older cities, to have as much diversity as we do. Take a look around at the different house combinations in the older parts of town. A couple of folk Victorians may share a block with a Spanish style cottage, a World War II era duplex, and a Craftsman bungalow. On a corner may be a little house that started its life as someone’s fishing cabin. Sometimes you’ll find a barn tucked in somewhere. (Of all the clues that show us that lifestyles have evolved [...]

26 09, 2004

Energy laws and your building project

By |2004-09-26T05:07:08+00:00September 26th, 2004|Elements of Design, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Energy laws and your building project

Title 24. That was its clunky legislative name, and that’s how it continues to be known on building permits and at job sites throughout California. It’s the energy efficiency compliance law California has had in effect since the energy crunches of the 1970’s. Any building project in the state is going to comply with it. Documents showing this compliance need to be submitted when applying for a building permit or the permit will be denied. Title 24 requires that all new construction and additions meet certain minimum standards for energy efficiency. In houses, it’s done by looking at the project’s [...]

14 08, 2004

Architecture goes to the movies

By |2004-08-14T05:08:20+00:00August 14th, 2004|Random observations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Architecture goes to the movies

The other day my family was watching “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock. Halfway through, Jessica Tandy finds her friend dead with his eyes pecked out. Stunned, she scrambles back into her truck, speeds madly across a field back to her house, climbs out and stumbles up her front porch, completely speechless, in a total panic to get inside. So my comment to my wife was “Cool newel post.” Which, of course, it was. The front porch rail was pretty average, but the newel post at the top step made for a great little accent. It was shaped from a simple [...]

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