21 07, 2011

Building them like they used to

By |2019-04-25T17:06:36+00:00July 21st, 2011|Random observations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Building them like they used to

 I’m in the midst of my own small kitchen addition. I’m pushing out the side wall of my kitchen twenty inches. Why only twenty inches, you ask? (Everybody else does.) It’s because that’s all we need to cure our ills, and going further would block a view out a family room window. It may be a small addition, but it’ll be a much-needed makeover of the whole kitchen. Builders are available these days for the lowest rates I’ve ever seen. That’s part of the reason I’m doing my project now. I’m doing enough work myself just to make sure I [...]

10 05, 2011

The website the architect built

By |2019-04-25T17:06:36+00:00May 10th, 2011|Random observations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The website the architect built

Way back in the late nineties I needed convincing by an old college roommate about the value of having my own website for my architecture business. He worked in Silicon Valley and was hipper than I to this notion. “People will be able to check you out on their own. They’ll be much more willing to do that, compared to having to call you on the phone to ask questions.” Hmmm. That sounded like it made sense. No wonder this Internet thing just might catch on. A week or two later I happened to be laid up in Kaiser for [...]

4 05, 2011

Benicia Magazine – An Interview with Steve McKee

By |2019-04-25T17:06:36+00:00May 4th, 2011|Thinking like an architect|Comments Off on Benicia Magazine – An Interview with Steve McKee

An Interview with Steve McKee by Sue Sumner-Moore Benicia Magazine / April 2011 / An Interview with Steve McKee http://www.beniciamagazine.com/Benicia-Magazine/April-2011/An-Interview-with-Steve-McKee/ Benicia architect Steve McKee has put his drafter back to work after an 18-month hiatus. “I’m the first guy in the chain of command who gets to see when things pick up,” says Steve, who specializes in designing home additions and remodeling projects. “I’m the right amount of busy these days. Three years ago, I was too busy and a year and a-half ago, I wasn’t busy enough.” While residential work was slow, Steve did some architectural layout work on commercial businesses, including the [...]

7 04, 2011

My Benicia fixer-upper

By |2019-04-25T17:06:36+00:00April 7th, 2011|My favorite columns, Uncategorized|Comments Off on My Benicia fixer-upper

  When Melody and I decided to move to Benicia twenty-two years ago it was about getting a water view, but we were of limited means, so I knew our best strategy was to buy the worst house with the best view we could find. Of the two of us, I was the only one with passion for this particular strategy, but she sensed my enthusiasm for throwing myself into a “fixer upper” and trusted me. It was years later that I learned that her challenge during our house-hunting had been to relax and [...]

2 03, 2011

Smokestack Benicia – PART 3

By |2011-03-02T15:57:47+00:00March 2nd, 2011|Benicia, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Smokestack Benicia – PART 3

 It must have been quite a sight to see fifty or more boats fishing commercially for salmon off the Benicia shore, as was common in the early 1880’s before they overfished that waterway and screwed it up. According to one observer, the entire fleet usually numbered three times that amount! Since most of the salmon in California needed to pass through the Carquinez Straits to get to their home rivers, it was easy for these boats to haul them in like crazy. Right on shore were large cannery buildings to process the catch. All very convenient in a Benicia sort [...]

26 01, 2011

At the corner of West X and 15th Street – PART 2

By |2011-01-26T19:42:06+00:00January 26th, 2011|Benicia, Uncategorized|Comments Off on At the corner of West X and 15th Street – PART 2

In the Capitol Building on West G Street you can see the original city map from 1847 showing how the streets were originally envisioned for the city of Benicia. Only slightly faded with time, it is a glimpse into the unbridled optimism of the city’s founders Robert Semple and Thomas Larkin for a place that was then just empty fields with some marshy creeks along a coastline. Over the rolling hills and even out into the water they planned a vast array of city blocks with wide streets. Less than a third of these planned streets came into being. Almost [...]

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