22 04, 2007

Rome – 1982 – five weeks

By |2007-04-22T04:32:19+00:00April 22nd, 2007|My favorite columns, Travel Tales, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Rome – 1982 – five weeks

In the spring of 1982 I got to go and live in Rome for five weeks with nine other UCLA grad students to study architecture in the most amazing city in the world.  No adventure of mine since has surpassed it in tone or texture, or had such a perfect blend of fun with a-sense-of-purpose that all the most fulfilling adventures seem to have. Those were heady times, at age twenty-three and off to study and play with likeminded comrades in such an architectural treasure trove.  There were so many layers to Rome, and we had all those days to [...]

2 03, 2007

Haiku moments and performance art in the comfort of your own home

By |2007-03-02T04:31:10+00:00March 2nd, 2007|My favorite columns, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Haiku moments and performance art in the comfort of your own home

In the middle of the night, when the world is dark and utterly still, my upstairs bathroom has a pattern of rectangles of soft light on the wall created by streetlights that are a block or more away shining through my bathroom windows.  These rectangles of light are sort of gold or maybe orange, but mostly are just easy on eyes that have adjusted to the dark of night. The rectangles overlap each other and create a wonderfully abstract composition that breaks the darkness just enough to be a sort of perfect nightlight.  When there's a breeze outside, one of [...]

9 06, 2005

My accidental getaway room

By |2005-06-09T04:59:33+00:00June 9th, 2005|My favorite columns, Uncategorized|Comments Off on My accidental getaway room

When my family and I went through major-remodel-number-two several years ago, it was a chance to remedy some of the rookie mistakes I made in our first remodel. The too small family room was expanded into a side yard and received an extra tall picture window that looks into and under our best backyard tree. The staggered hallway by the laundry room got straightened out. A much needed fourth bedroom was added. Melody’s little secretary desk would find a home in an alcove off the family room. The result of all this was that our two story house was extended [...]

2 05, 2004

Sightlines make a huge impact

By |2004-05-02T05:11:31+00:00May 2nd, 2004|My favorite columns, Thinking like an architect, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sightlines make a huge impact

Men, have you ever used a urinal where you are on display as soon as the door to the restroom is opened? Great piece of design, that. (Does sarcasm work in a newspaper?) Women, how about that restroom where you feel private as you work on your makeup, only to realize the mirror is reflecting everyone’s view in at you from the door after all? It’s about sightlines. They can be used for good as well as evil. They cost nothing and their impact is big. An example of a good sightline could include the long diagonal view across your [...]

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